Google Adwords | Montevideo MN
Netmajic offers Google Adwords campaign management for clients. We do extensive keyword analysis to find the profitable keywords, write ads, design landing pages, and integrate analytics for continuous improvement.
With Google Adwords no matter what your budget, your ads can display on Google search results and, if you choose, Google's advertising network. Your ads can appear on your time schedule. Your ads can run for a day, a week, or continuously. Pay only if people click your ads.
When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad may appear above or next to the organic and local search results. Now you're advertising to an audience that's already interested in you.
Your ads can be local and appear only to people searching in a particular country, state, city, or region. It is possible to target online customers within, say, 25 miles of your business or target customers from a different city than your own.
With all this possible Google favors Adwords campaigns with a high "Quality Score". The higher the score the less you pay for the click. It is possible for your ad to be shown above a lower quality ad and yet that ad is paying more for the click. Google also penalizes poor performing ads by eventually not showing the ad. The art of building a high quality campaign takes research, organization, integration, and testing.
If your Google Adwords campaign requires bringing in expert help. A person who has had "a seat at the table", been responsible for the bottom line, has a track record of millions of dollars of sales, and knows how to build a quality Google Adwords campaign. Netmajic has that expertise.
Contact Netmajic for an in depth discussion about managing your Google Adwords campaign!